Python Statements to Describe a Data Set

This is a quick reference with Python snippets that can be used to describe the shape, composition, and distribution of a data set. The following statements will help identify potential gaps, irregularities, and biases in the underlying data before applying it to a machine learning problem. The majority of these use Python’s Pandas library and evaluate the data set within a DataFrame.

# describes the DataFrame in rows, columns
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
shape = data.shape

# describes the first (head) or last (tail) n rows of a data file
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
head = data.head(10)

# lists statistical properties of each attribute: Count, Mean, Standard Deviation, # Minimum Value, Percentiles (25th, 50th, 75th, max)
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
description = data.describe()

# describes the data type for each attribute
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
types = data.dtypes

# lets you change the precision of the numbers and the preferred width of the output.
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
set_option('display.width', 100)
set_option('precision', 3)

# describes the distribution of a given column or attribute in Pandas
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
counts = data.groupby('columnName').size()

# expresses the correlations between attributes.
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
correlations = data.corr(method='pearson')

# indicates how an attribute deviates from a typical gaussian/bell curve
data = read_csv('filename.csv')
skew = data.skew()

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